Discover Transformational Breath® and your own resilience
On Saturday 18th March there is an opportunity to discover what Vogue Magazine has called "the new yoga".
This cutting edge conscious breathing modality will change your life by helping you to change how you respond to the stresses and strains of living. It opens up the whole of our breathing system for health and optimal physical functioning. It helps to clear both conscious anxiety and negative patterns from the sub conscious mind. And it helps us to feel more peaceful and forgiving and better able to embrace change and new adventures with resilience.
These two half day workshops: Introduction to Transformational Breath, can also be linked for a day of breathing joy and freedom with two full Transformational Breath sessions to practise in and to notice what begins to change. These sessions will include a demonstration, coaching in the technique and breathing analysis and a chance to focus on what you want in life. Suitable for complete newcomers and anyone who values breathing in a group for that extra boost from collective energy. Bring a bottle of water, a favourite blanket and pillow if you are able (there will be extra available). Tea, coffee and fruit will be available during the day but if you are staying for both sessions bring a packed lunch. Wear loose comfortable clothing.
Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator and Trainer Valerie Jenner will be joined by guest Facilitator Charlotte Gem.
10.30 am – 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Single session £45 Whole day £80
Crescent Theatre, Brindley Place, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8AE