Small group Intros are proving popular - so here are four more opportunities to breathe better in Spring 2019
After the response in February to Introductions to Transformational Breath® in the Breath Room in Selly Oak in Birmingham, here are four more opportunities for anyone who wants to be introduced to this simple, powerful and truly life-changing modality or just wants to refresh their practice. Learn to breathe better, to relax deeper and to breathe yourself to greater resilience in the face of today's stresses and strains. Space is limited so booking is essential and you need to be mobile enough to climb one flight of domestic stairs. You may be in a small group or find you are having a one to one - all for £35. If you want to come with a friend or two then get in touch and ask about availability. It's a safe, relaxed way to sample this transformative modality. For more information see workshops